Why a visit to the hygienist is important

Why a visit to the hygienist is important

Why a Visit To The Hygienist Is Important A visit to the hygienist should be a priority for your dental care, helping to prevent gum disease and show how best to keep your mouth healthy. A Northwich hygienist will be tasked with cleaning your teeth during what’s often...

Taking care of your safety

Taking Care of Your Safety Here at Dentist@29 we understand how VITAL strict Sterilisation procedures are at any good dental practice. Our mouths are teeming with tiny microbes, and any dental practice that sees a lot of patients a day has an inherent potential for...

Peri-Implant Disease

Peri-Implant Disease One of the many benefits of implanted teeth is that they function just like your natural teeth. But in the same way that a natural tooth can suffer from diseases caused by bacteria build-up, so can an implanted tooth. But don’t be alarmed; with a...

Cheshire Dental Specialist

Cheshire Dental Specialist While it can be difficult to find a dental specialist Cheshire is lucky to be able to access the services of Peter Young, who is recognised by the General Dental Council as a Specialist in Oral Surgery and frequently gives lectures to...

Going abroad for dental treatment

Going abroad for dental treatment Going abroad for the dental treatment you need might sound like the ideal way of saving money and enjoying an extra holiday at the same time, but in reality, it can be a big mistake. Although an overseas dentist may advertise very...