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Dental Health and Nutrition

Your mouth, teeth and gums are for more than just eating. They are essential for chewing and swallowing and serve as the body’s first point of contact for the nutrients that you consume. Proper nutrition helps the body better maintain its systemic health. Nutrition is an important part of both your overall health as well as your dental health. While these are basic nutritional guidelines, applicable to most people, we also appreciate that individuals have different nutritional situations and recommend consultation with your GP for your own unique situation.

We’ve broken this down into three main categories for food based nutrition: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Water.

Carbohydrates – Considered to be the building blocks of energy for the body, they are an important factor in your daily diet. Carbs are broken down as simple and complex. The simple carbohydrates are white flours, rice, breads and pastas; as well as processed snacks, cereals, crisps and sweets. We try to avoid these simple carbs as they tend to offer no beneficial contribution to your overall health. In fact, they are mostly detrimental to your overall body and oral health. Tooth decay occurs when plaque comes into contact with the sugars in your mouth. This causes acid to attack the teeth. Foods that are high in sugar contribute greatly to tooth decay. Common sources of sugar include, but are not limited to: soft drinks, sweets, biscuits, pastries and so much more. Whereas complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread and pasta; are thought to make it easier to maintain your health.

Proteins – The chemicals that build up and maintain tissues in the body are your proteins. Bones, muscles, organs, connective tissues and skin are dependent upon proteins and also help to improve the immune system. Phosphorus, which can be found in eggs, fish, lean meat, dairy, nuts and beans is good for strong teeth. This is why proteins are considered an important part of your diet.

Water – Water is essential for health in all manners. It is used for digestive health as well as improving the immune system, helping to cleanse the body, and remove waste. It is recommended to drink 8-9 glasses of water per day to maintain your body health.

When your overall health declines, your mouth is typically the first place that it shows. Tooth decay, and other oral health issues arise when your bodily health is at its worst, causing your immune system to fight doubly hard. The foods you choose and how often you eat them can affect your general health and the health of your teeth and gums, too. Eating, drinking and cleaning for better health leads to a better life.